Guide to creatures

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4.1-Creatures that start with "A"
/  A B A D O N  \__________________________________________________
|                                                                  \
| Monster Name:  Abadon                                            |
| HP range:  510 - 17,010                                          |
| EXP Gained:  None                                                |
| AP Gained:  40                                                   |
| Type:  Undead                                                    |
| Strong against:  --                                              |
| Weak Against:  Fire, Holy & Cure                                 |
| Magic that can be Drawn:                                         |
|     Lvl. 1 - 19:  Cure; Esuna; Dispel                            |
|     Lvl. 20 -29:  Cura; Esuna; Dispel                            |
|     Lvl. 30 -34:  Curaga; Esuna; Dispel; Flare                   |
| Location(s):  Esthar; Great Salt Lake                            |
| Cards:  NONE                                                     |
| Item(s) Gained:                                                  |
|     Lvl. 1 - 19:  Flare Stone                                    |
|     Lvl. 20 -39:  Flare Stone                                    |
|     Lvl. 30 -34:  Flare Stone                                    |
| Item(s) Mugged:                                                  |
|     Lvl. 1 - 19:  Power Wrist                                    |
|     Lvl. 20 -39:  Power Wrist                                    |
|     Lvl. 30 -34:  Power Wrist                                    |
|                                                                  |
|                                                                  |

/  A B Y S S     W O R M   \_______________________________________
|                                                                  \
| Monster Name:  Abyss Worm                                        |
| HP range:  210 - 26,000                                          |
| EXP Gained:  100 (+10)                                           |
| AP Gained:  6                                                    |
| Type:  None                                                      |
| Strong against:  Earth                                           |
| Weak Against:  Wind; Water                                       |
| Magic that can be Drawn:                                         |
|      Lvl. 1 - 19:  Aero                                          |
|      Lvl. 20 -39:  Aero                                          |
|      Lvl. 30-100:  Aero; Tornado; Quake                          |
| Location(s):  Esthar; Kashkabald Desert; Ultimecia Castle        |
| Cards:  Abyss Worm (Dropped; Mod Card);  Abadon (Mod Rare)       |
| Item(s) Gained:                                                  |
|      Lvl. 1 - 19:  M-Stone; Magic Stone; Windmill                |
|      Lvl. 20 -39:  Magic Stone; Wizard Stone; Windmill           |
|      Lvl. 30-100:  Windmill                                      |
| Item(s) Mugged:                                                  |
|      Lvl. 1 - 19:  Magic Stone; Windmill                         |
|      Lvl. 20 -39:  Windmill                                      |
|      Lvl. 30 -34:  Windmill                                      |
|                                                                  |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
Description               |        | Elemental          | Effect   |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
A head protruding from the|        | Earth              |    3     |
earth.  Only a part of the|        | Fire               |    1     |
body is exposed.  Uses    |        | Holy               |    1     |
Earthquake when attacked  |        | Ice                |    1     |
by enemies.               |        | Poison             |    1     |
                          |        | Thunder            |    1     |
                          |        | Water              |    2     |
                          |        | Wind               |    2     |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
Level    | HP         |
1        | 200        |
10       | 2100       |
20       | 4400       |
30       | 6800       |
40       | 9200       |
50       | 11,800     |
60       | 14,400     |
70       | 17,200     |
80       | 20,000     |
90       | 23,000     |
100      | 26,000     |
/ A D A M A N T O I S E  \_______________________________________
|                                                                 \
| Monster Name:  Adamantoise                                      |
| HP Range:  573 - 42,500                                         |
| EXP Gained:  50 (+10)                                           |
| AP Gained:  4                                                   |
| Type:  None                                                     |
| Strong Against:  None                                           |
| Weak Against:  Thunder; Earth                                   |
| Magic that can be Drawn:                                        |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Blizzard                                    |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Blizzard; Shell; Protect                    |
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Blizzaga; Shell; Protect; Reflect           |
| Location(s):  Dollet; Ultimecia Castle                          |
| Cards:  Adamantoise (Dropped); Adamantoise (Card Mod); Sphinxaur|
|                                                        (Mod Rare)
| Item(s) Gained:                                                 |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Turtle Shell; Whisper; Orihalcon            |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Orihalcon; Adamantine                       |
|       Lvl. 30 -34:  Adamantine                                  |
| Item(s) Mugged:                                                 |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Whisper                                     |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Whisper                                     |
|       Lvl. 30 -34:  Orihalcon; Whisper                          |
|                                                                 |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
Description               |        | Elemental          | Effect   |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
In high defence ability   |        | Earth              |    2     |
makes it hard to defeat.  |        | Fire               |    1     |
Owns rare items that make |        | Holy               |    1     |
it worth the effort.      |        | Ice                |    1     |
                          |        | Poison             |    1     |
                          |        | Thunder            |    2     |
                          |        | Water              |    1     |
                          |        | Wind               |    1     |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
<See Note 2>
Level    | HP         |
1        | 600        |
10       | 1500       |
20       | 3300       |
30       | 5800       |
40       | 8900       |
50       | 12,800     |
60       | 17,300     |
70       | 22,600     |
80       | 18,500     |
90       | 35,200     |
100      | 42,500     |
/ A D E L  \____________________________________________________
|                                                                \
| Monster Name:  Adel                                            |
| HP Range:  6,000 - 51,000                                      |
| EXP Gained:  None                                              |
| AP Gained:  None                                               |
| Type:  None                                                    |
| Strong Against:  None                                          |
| Weak Against:  None                                            |
| Magic that can be Drawn:                                       |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Fire; Thunder; Bizzard                     |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Fira; Thundara; Bizzara                    |
|       Lvl. 30 -46:  Friaga; Thundaga; Blizzaga                 |
| Location(s):  Lunar Pandora                                    |
| Cards:  None                                                   |
| Item(s) Gained:                                                |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  None                                       |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  None                                       |
|       Lvl. 30 -34:  None                                       |
| Item(s) Mugged:                                                |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Samantha Soul                              |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Samantha Soul                              |
|       Lvl. 30 -34:  Samantha Soul                              |
|                                                                |
/ A N A C O N D A U R  \__________________________________________
|                                                                  \
| Monster Name:  Anacondaur                                        |
| HP Range:  842 - 24,800                                          |
| EXP Gained:  60 (+10)                                            |
| AP Gained:  4                                                    |
| Type:  None                                                      |
| Strong Against:  Fire                                            |
| Weak Against:  Ice                                               |
| Magic that can be Drawn:                                         |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Fire; Cure                                   |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Fira; Cura                                   |
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Friaga; Curaga; Bio                          |
| Location(s):  Dollet; Timber; Deep Sea Research Center           |
| Cards:  Anacondaur (Dropped); Anacondaur (Mod Card); Mobile Type 8
|                                                       (Mod Rare) |
| Item(s) Gained:                                                  |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  M-Stone; Venom Fang; Dragon Skin             |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Venom Fang; Dragon Skin                      |
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Dragon Skin; Star Fragment                   |
| Item(s) Mugged:                                                  |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Venom Fang                                   |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Venom Fang                                   |
|       Lvl. 30 -34:  Venom Fang                                   |
|                                                                  |

---------------------------        ---------------------------------
Description               |        | Elemental          | Effect   |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
A large venomous snake    |        | Earth              |    1     |
that use squeeze attacks. |        | Fire               |    1     |
Use caution when it's HP  |        | Holy               |    1     |
is low.                   |        | Ice                |    2     |
                          |        | Poison             |    4     |
                          |        | Thunder            |    1     |
                          |        | Water              |    1     |
                          |        | Wind               |    1     |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
<See Note 2>
Level    | HP         |
1        | 900        |
10       | 1400       |
20       | 2400       |
30       | 3800       |
40       | 5600       |
50       | 7800       |
60       | 10,400     |
70       | 13,400     |
80       | 16,800     |
90       | 20,700     |
100      | 24,800     |
/ A R M A D O D O  \______________________________________________
|                                                                  \
| Monster Name:  Armadodo                                          |
| HP Range:  731 - 18,700                                          |
| EXP Gained:  80 (+15)                                            |
| AP Gained:  3                                                    |
| Type:  None                                                      |
| Strong Against:  None                                            |
| Magic that can be Drawn:                                         |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Protect                                      |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Protect; Shell                               |
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Protect; Shell; Quake                        |
| Location(s):  Tomb of the Unknown King; Ultimeia Castle          |
| Cards:  Armadodo (Dropped); Armadodo (Mod Card); Catoblepas      |
|                                                  (Mod Rare)      |
| Item(s) Gained:                                                  |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  M-Stone; Sharp Spike                         |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Magic Stone; Sharp Spike; Turtle Shell       |
|       Lvl. 30 -34:  Turtle Shell; Sharp Spike                    |
| Item(s) Mugged:                                                  |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Magic Stone                                  |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Magic Stone                                  |
|       Lvl. 30 -34:  Magic Stone                                  |
|                                                                  |

---------------------------        ---------------------------------
Description               |        | Elemental          | Effect   |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
It's hard shell is        |        | Earth              |    1     |
difficult to damage       |        | Fire               |    1     |
physically, legs are small|        | Holy               |    1     |
and falls easily when     |        | Ice                |    1     |
attacked with force.      |        | Poison             |    1     |
                          |        | Thunder            |    1     |
                          |        | Water              |    1     |
                          |        | Wind               |    1     |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
<See Note 2>
Level    | HP         |
1        | 800        |
10       | 1200       |
20       | 1900       |
30       | 3000       |
40       | 4300       |
50       | 6000       |
60       | 8000       |
70       | 10,200     |
80       | 12,700     |
90       | 15,600     |
100      | 18,800     |
4.2-Creatures that start with "B"
/ B A H A M U T  \________________________________________________
|                                                                  \
| Monster Name:  Bahamut                                           |
| HP Range:  10,800 - 90,000                                       |
| EXP Gained:  None                                                |
| AP Gained:  40                                                   |
| Type:  Flying                                                    |
| Strong Against:  Poison; Thunder; Wind                           |
| Weak Against:  None                                              |
| Magic that can be Drawn:                                         |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Flare; Curaga; Full-Life; Dispel             |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Flare; Curaga; Full-Life; Dispel             |
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Flare; Curaga; Full-Life; Dispel             |
| Location(s):  Deep Sea Research Center                           |
| Cards:  Bahamut (Dropped)                                        |
| Item(s) Gained:                                                  |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Hyper Wrist                                  |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Hyper Wrist                                  |
|       Lvl. 30 -34:  Hyper Wrist                                  |
| Item(s) Mugged:                                                  |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Hyper Wrist                                  |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Hyper Wrist                                  |
|       Lvl. 30 -34:  Hyper Wrist                                  |
|                                                                  |

/ B E H E M O T H  \______________________________________________
|                                                                  \
| Monster Name:  Behemoth                                          |
| HP Range:  35,263 - 91,000                                       |
| EXP Gained:  200 (+30)                                           |
| AP Gained:  12                                                   |
| Type:  None                                                      |
| Strong Against:  None                                            |
| Weak Against:  None                                              |
| Magic that can be Drawn:                                         |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Regen; Tornado                               |
|       Lvl. 30 -39:  Regen; Tornado                               |
|       Lvl. 40-100:  Regen; Tornado; Flare                        |
| Location(s):  Esthar; Great Plains of Esthar; DSRC               |
| Cards:  Behemoth (Dropped); Behemoth (Mod Card); BGH251F2        |
|                                                  (Mod Rare)      |
| Item(s) Gained:                                                  |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Wizard Stone; Barrier                        |
|       Lvl. 30 -39:  Barrier; Giant's Ring; Energy Crystal        |
|       Lvl. 40-100:  Barrier; Giant's Ring; Energy Crystal        |
| Item(s) Mugged:                                                  |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Barrier                                      |
|       Lvl. 30 -39:  Barrier                                      |
|       Lvl. 40-100:  Barrier                                      |
|                                                                  |

---------------------------        ---------------------------------
Description               |        | Elemental          | Effect   |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
Uses powerful magic like  |        | Earth              |    1     |
Meteor, is very hard to   |        | Fire               |    1     |
defeat                    |        | Holy               |    1     |
                          |        | Ice                |    1     |
                          |        | Poison             |    1     |
                          |        | Thunder            |    1     |
                          |        | Water              |    1     |
                          |        | Wind               |    1     |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
<See Note 2>
Level    | HP         |
1        | 35,300     |
10       | 37,900     |
20       | 41,500     |
30       | 45,500     |
40       | 50,100     |
50       | 55,500     |
60       | 61,500     |
70       | 68,000     |
80       | 75,000     |
90       | 82,700     |
100      | 91,000     |
/ B E L H E L M E L  \____________________________________________
|                                                                  \
| Monster Name:  Belhelmel                                         |
| HP Range:  369 - 5,760                                           |
| EXP Gained:  10 (+6)                                             |
| AP Gained:  2                                                    |
| Type:  Flying                                                    |
| Strong Against:  Thunder                                         |
| Weak Against:  Holy                                              |
| Magic that can be Drawn:                                         |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Sleep; Thunder                               |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Berserk; Thundara                            |
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Confuse; Thundaga                            |
| Location(s):  Galbadia; Lollapalooza Canyon; Ultimecia Castle    |
| Cards:  Belhelmel (Dropped); Belhelmel (Mod Card); Belhelmel     |
|                                                    (Mod Rare)    |
| Item(s) Gained:                                                  |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  M-Stone; Saw Blade                           |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Magic Stone; Saw Blade                       |
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Wizard Stone; Saw Blade; Laser Cannon        |
| Item(s) Mugged:                                                  |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Saw Blade                                    |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Saw Blade                                    |
|       Lvl. 30 -34:  Saw Blade                                    |
|                                                                  |

---------------------------        ---------------------------------
Description               |        | Elemental          | Effect   |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
Rotating blade around it's|        | Earth              |     3    |
face, battle tactics      |        | Fire               |     1    |
change when its face turns|        | Holy               |     2    |
                          |        | Ice                |     1    |
                          |        | Poison             |     1    |
                          |        | Thunder            |     4    |
                          |        | Water              |     1    |
                          |        | Wind               |     1    |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
<See Note 2>
Level    | HP         |
1        | 400        |
10       | 600        |
20       | 700        |
30       | 1100       |
40       | 1500       |
50       | 2000       |
60       | 2500       |
70       | 3200       |
80       | 4000       |
90       | 4900       |
100      | 5800       |
/ B G H 2 5 1 F 2 (Round 1)  \____________________________________
|                                                                  \
| Monster Name:  BGH251F2 (1st Round)                              |
| HP Range:  4,200 - 8,400                                         |
| EXP Gained:  None                                                |
| AP Gained:  20                                                   |
| Type:  None                                                      |
| Strong Against:  Nothing                                         |
| Weak Against:  Thunder; Earth; Water                             |
| Magic that can be Drawn:                                         |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Shell; Protect; Stop                         |
|       Lvl. 20 -22:  Shell; Protect; Stop                         |
| Location(s):  Galbadia Missle Base                               |
| Cards:  None                                                     |
| Item(s) Gained:                                                  |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  None                                         |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  None                                         |
|       Lvl. 30 -34:  None                                         |
| Item(s) Mugged:                                                  |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  None                                         |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  None                                         |
|       Lvl. 30 -34:  None                                         |
|                                                                  |
/ B G H 2 5 1 F 2 (Round 2)  \____________________________________
|                                                                  \
| Monster Name:  BGH251F2 (2nd Round)                              |
| HP Range:  5,100 - 7,800                                         |
| EXP Gained:  None                                                |
| AP Gained:  20                                                   |
| Type:  None                                                      |
| Strong Against:  None                                            |
| Weak Against:  Thunder; Water; Earth                             |
| Magic that can be Drawn:                                         |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Shell; Protect; Stop                         |
|       Lvl. 20 -28:  Shell; Protect; Stop                         |
| Location(s):  Fisherman's Horizon                                |
| Cards:  None                                                     |
| Item(s) Gained:                                                  |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Running Fire; Missile                        |
|       Lvl. 20 -28:  Running Fire; Missile                        |
| Item(s) Mugged:                                                  |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Adamantine                                   |
|       Lvl. 20 -28:  Adamantine                                   |
|                                                                  |
|                                                                  |
/ B I G G S  (Round 1) \__________________________________________
|                                                                  \
| Monster Name:  Biggs (1st Round)                                 |
| HP Range:  467 - 705                                             |
| EXP Gained:  None                                                |
| AP Gained:  4                                                    |
| Type:  None                                                      |
| Strong Against:  None                                            |
| Weak Against:  None                                              |
| Magic that can be Drawn:                                         |
|       Lvl. 1 - 10:  Fire                                         |
| Location(s):  Dollet (Communications Tower)                      |
| Cards:  None                                                     |
| Item(s) Gained:                                                  |
|       Lvl. 1 - 10:  Elixir                                       |
| Item(s) Mugged:                                                  |
|       Lvl. 1 - 10:  None                                         |
|                                                                  |
|                                                                  |
|                                                                  |
/ B I G G S  (Round 2)  \_________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Biggs (2nd Round)
| HP Range:  1,467 - 2,235
| EXP Gained:  None
| AP Gained:  10
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  Nothing
| Weak Against:  Nothing
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Cure; Haste; Slow; Regen
|       Lvl. 20 -22:  Cura; Haste; Slow; Regen
| Location(s):  Galbadia D-District Prison
| Cards:  None
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Elixir
|       Lvl. 20 -22:  Elixir
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Regen Ring
|       Lvl. 20 -22:  Regen Ring
/ B I T E   B U G  \______________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Bite Bug
| HP Range:  114 - 2,510
| EXP Gained:  15 (+5)
| AP Gained:  1
| Type:  Flying
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  Ice; Wind
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Fire; Scan
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Fira; Scan
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Firaga; Scan
| Location(s):  Balamb (Grass); Trabia (Snowfield)
| Cards:  Bite Bug (Dropped); Bite Bug (Mod Card); Elnoyle
|                                                  (Mod Rare)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  M-Stone
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  M-Stone; Magic Stone
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Wizard Stone
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  M-Stone
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Magic Stone
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Wizard Stone

---------------------------        ---------------------------------
Description               |        | Elemental          | Effect   |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
Bug monster that flies,   |        | Earth              |    3     |
stay calm and attack      |        | Fire               |    1     |
precisely.  Not very      |        | Holy               |    1     |
strong monster.           |        | Ice                |    2     |
                          |        | Poison             |    1     |
                          |        | Thunder            |    4     |
                          |        | Water              |    1     |
                          |        | Wind               |    2     |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
<See Note 2>
Level    | HP         |
1        | 100        |
10       | 300        |
20       | 400        |
30       | 500        |
40       | 600        |
50       | 800        |
60       | 1100       |
70       | 1400       |
80       | 1900       |
90       | 2200       |
100      | 2600       |
/ B L I T Z  \____________________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Blitz
| HP Range:  611 - 7,200
| EXP Gained:  20 (+10)
| AP Gained:  2
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  None (Absorbs Thunder)
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Thunder
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Thunder; Thundara
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Thunder; Thundara; Thundaraga
| Location(s):  Galbadia Garden
| Cards:  Blitz (Drop); Blitz (Mod Card); Propagator (Mod Rare)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  M-Stone; Betrayal Sword; Coral Fragment
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Magic Stone; Betrayal Sword
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Dynamo Stone
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Betrayal Sword
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Betrayal Sword
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Betrayal Sword; Power Generator
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
Description               |        | Elemental          | Effect   |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
Becomes electified when   |        | Earth              |    1     |
effected with thunder and |        | Fire               |    1     |
then does thunder damage. |        | Holy               |    1     |
                          |        | Ice                |    1     |
                          |        | Poison             |    1     |
                          |        | Thunder            |    4     |
                          |        | Water              |    1     |
                          |        | Wind               |    1     |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
<See Note 2>
Level    | HP         |
1        | 600        |
10       | 800        |
20       | 1100       |
30       | 1500       |
40       | 2000       |
50       | 2600       |
60       | 3300       |
70       | 4000       |
80       | 5000       |
90       | 6400       |
100      | 7300       |
/ B L O B R A  \__________________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Blobra
| HP Range:  246 - 3,840
| EXP Gained:  40 (+8)
| AP Gained:  3
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  None
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Shell
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Shell; Blind; Berserk
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Shell; Reflect; Blind; Confuse
| Location(s):  Tomb of the Unknown King; Balamb Garden
| Cards:  Blobra (Drop); Blobra (Mod Card); Granaldo (Mod Rare)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  M-Stone; Three Stars
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Magic Stone; Rune Armlet
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Wizard Stone; Rume Armlet
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  M-Stone; Rune Armlet
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Magic Stone; Rune Armlet
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Wizard Stone; Rune Armlet

---------------------------        ---------------------------------
Description               |        | Elemental          | Effect   |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
Half-liquid creature      |        | Earth              |    1     |
resistant to physical     |        | Fire               |    1     |
attacks, weaknesses differ|        | Holy               |    1     |
with each Blobra.         |        | Ice                |    1     |
                          |        | Poison             |    1     |
                          |        | Thunder            |    1     |
                          |        | Water              |    1     |
                          |        | Wind               |    1     |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
<See Note 2>
Level    | HP         |
1        | 300        |
10       | 400        |
20       | 500        |
30       | 700        |
40       | 1000       |
50       | 1300       |
60       | 1700       |
70       | 2200       |
80       | 2700       |
90       | 3400       |
100      | 4100       |
/ B L O O D   S O U L  \__________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Blood Soul
| HP Range:  510 - 6,500
| EXP Gained:  15 (+5)
| AP Gained:  1
| Type:  Flying / Undead
| Strong Against:  Poison
| Weak Against:  Holy; Fire
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Zombie; Float
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Zombie; Float; Silence
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Zombie; Float; Silence; Dispel
| Location(s):  Galbadia; Winhill
| Cards:  Blood Soul (Drop); Blood Soul (Mod Card); Abadon
|                                                  (Mod Rare)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  M-Stone; Zombie Powder
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Zombie Powder; M-Stone
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Zombie Powder; Magic Stone
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Zombie Powder
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Zombie Powder
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Zombie Powder
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
Description               |        | Elemental          | Effect   |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
Floats with gas that fills|        | Earth              |    3     |
its body, has status      |        | Fire               |    2     |
changing magic that is    |        | Holy               |    2+    |
powerful.                 |        | Ice                |    1     |
                          |        | Poison             |    3     |
                          |        | Thunder            |    1     |
                          |        | Water              |    1     |
                          |        | Wind               |    1     |
---------------------------        ---------------------------------
<See Note 2>
Level    | HP         |
1        | 500        |
10       | 800        |
20       | 1000       |
30       | 1300       |
40       | 1700       |
50       | 2300       |
60       | 3000       |
70       | 3600       |
80       | 4600       |
90       | 5500       |
100      | 6500       |
/ B L U E   D R A G O N  \________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Blue Dragon
| HP Range:  236 - 41,000
| EXP Gained:  100 (+20)
| AP Gained:  6
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  Ice
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Blind
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Blind; Drain; Bio
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Drain; Break; Death; Bio
| Location(s):  Trabia Snowfield
| Cards:  Blue Dragon (Drop); Blue Dragon (Card Mod); Mobile Type 8
|                                                     (Mod Rare)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Dragon Fang; Fury Fragment
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Dragon Fang; Fury Fragment
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Dragon Fang; Fury Fragment
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Fury Fragment
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Fury Fragment
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Fury Fragment

/ B O M B  \______________________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Bomb
| HP Range:  288 - 5,080
| EXP Gained:  30 (+5)
| AP Gained:  1
| Type:  Flying
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  Wind; Ice
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Fire
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Fire; Fira
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Fie; Fira; Firaga; Meltdown
| Location(s):  Fire Cavern; Deep Sea Research Lab
| Cards:  Bomb (Drop); Bomb (Mod Card); Krysta (Mod Rare)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  M-Stone; Bomb Fragment
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Bomb Fragment; Magic Stone
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Bomb Fragment
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Bomb Fragment
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Bomb Fragment
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Bomb Fragment; Bomb Spirit

/ B U E L  \______________________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Buel
| HP Range:  45 - 1,840
| EXP Gained:  5 (+1)
| AP Gained:  1
| Type:  Flying
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  Wind; Holy
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Fire; Thunder; Blizzard
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Fira; Thundara; Blizzara
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Firaga; Thundaga; Blizzaga
| Location(s):  Fire Cavern; Centra Ruins; Balamb Garden
| Cards:  Buel (Drop); Buel (Mod Card); Krysta (Mod Rare)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  M-Stone
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Magic Stone; Circlet
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Wizard Stone
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  M-Stone
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Magic Stone; Circlet
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Wizard Stone; Circlet

/ C A C T U A R \_________________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Cactuar
| HP Range:  202 - 1,400
| EXP Gained:  1 (+1)
| AP Gained:  20
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  None
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Haste
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Haste
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Haste
| Location(s):  Centra Ruins; Cactuar Island
| Cards:  Cactuar (Drop); Cactuar (Mod Card); Gerogero (Mod Rare)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Cactus Thorn; Lightweight
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Cactus Thorn; Lightweight
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Cactus Thorn; Jet Engine
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Cactus Thorn
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Cactus Thorn
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Cactus Thorn
/ C A T E R C H I P I L L A R  \__________________________________
| Monster Name:  Caterchipillar
| HP Range:  172 - 7,360
| EXP Gained:  28 (+5)
| AP Gained:  2
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  Earth
| Weak Against:  Fire; Ice
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Thunder; Cure
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Thundara; Cure; Slow
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Thundaga; Curaga; Stop
| Location(s):  Balamb; Esthar
| Cards:  Caterchipillar (Drop); Caterchipillar (Mod Card);
|         Trauma (Mod Rare)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Spider Web; M-Stone
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Spider Web; Magic Stone
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Spider Web; Wizard Stone
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Spider Web
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Spider Web
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Spider Web
/ C A T O B L E P A S  \__________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Catoblepas
| HP Range:  10,500 - 60,000
| EXP Gained:  None
| AP Gained:  30
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  Earth; Water
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Meteor
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Meteor
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Meteor
| Location(s):  Ultimecia Castle
| Cards:  None
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Status Attack
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Status Attack
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Status Attack
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  None
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  None
|       Lvl. 30-100:  None
/ C E R B E R U S  \______________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Cerberus
| HP Range:  7,100 - 10,000
| EXP Gained:  None
| AP Gained:  30
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  None
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Quake; Double
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Quake; Double; Triple
|       Lvl. 30    :  Quake; Double; Triple
| Location(s):  Galbadia Garden
| Cards:  Cerberus (Drop)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  G-Returner
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  G-Returner
|       Lvl. 30    :  G-Returner
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Spd-J Scroll
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Spd-J Scroll
|       Lvl. 30    :  Spd-J Scroll
/ C H I M E R A  \________________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Chimera
| HP Range:  352 - 60,000
| EXP Gained:  150 (+20)
| AP Gained:  10
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  Holy
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Water; Thunder; Esuna
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Water; Bio; Thundara; Esuna
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Water; Bio; Thundaga; Esuna
| Location(s):  Esthar; Ultimecia Castle
| Cards:  Chimera (Drop); Chimera (Mod Card); Hexadragon (Mod Rare)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Water Crystal; Red Fang
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Water Crystal; Red Fang; Star Fragment
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Water Crystal; Red Fang; Regen Ring
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Red Fang
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Red Fang
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Red Fang
/ C O C K A T R I C E  \__________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Cockatrice
| HP Range:  1,007 - 5,200
| EXP Gained:  40 (+10)
| AP Gained:  2
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  Wind
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Thunder
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Thundara; Break
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Thundaga; Break
| Location(s):  Timber; Obel Lake; Esthar
| Cards:  Cockatrice (Drop; Mod Card); Oilboyle (Mod Rare)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Coral Fragment; Cockatrice Pinion
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Cockatrice Pinion; Coral Fragment; Dynamo
|                                                        Stone
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Cockatrice Pinion; Dynamo Stone; Coral
|                                                      Fragment
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Cockatrice Pinion
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Cockatrice Pinion
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Cockatrice Pinion
/ C O M M A N D   L E A D E R  \__________________________________
| Monster Name:  Command Leader
| HP Range:  806 - 4,400
| EXP Gained:  30 (+5)
| AP Gained:  2
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  Poison
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Thunder; Confuse; Slow; Reflect
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Thundara; Confuse; Slow; Reflect
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Thundaga; Confuse; Slow; Reflect
| Location(s):  Galbadia Missle Base
| Cards:  None
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Potion; Phoenix Down; Shotgun Ammo; Cottage
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Potion; Phoenix Down; Hi-Potion; Cottage
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Potion; Hi-Potion; Cottage
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Tent; Cottage
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Tent; Cottage
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Tent; Cottage
/ C O M M A N D   S O L D I E R  \________________________________
| Monster Name:  Command Soldier
| HP Range:  217 - 10,400
| EXP Gained:  30 (+5)
| AP Gained:  1
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  None
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Blizzard; Silence; Confuse
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Blizzara; Silence; Confuse
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Blizzaga; Silence; Confuse
| Location(s):  Galbadia Missle Base
| Cards:  None
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Potion; Normal Ammo; Phoenix Down
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Potion; Normal Ammo; Phoenix Down
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Potion; Normal Ammo; Phoenix Down
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Hi-Potion
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Hi-Potion
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Hi-Potion
/ C R E E P S  \__________________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Creeps
| HP Range:  210 - 6,200
| EXP Gained:  35 (+8)
| AP Gained:  2
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  Holy
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Thunder; Life
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Thundara; Life
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Thundaga; Death; Life
| Location(s):  Diling City; Galbadia Garden
| Cards:  Creeps (Drop; Mod Card); Sphinxaur (Mod Rare)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  M-Stone; Coral Fragment
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Curse Spike; Coral Fragment; Dynamo Stone
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Dynamo Stone; Curse Spike
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Coral Fragment
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Coral Fragment
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Coral Fragment
/ D E A T H   C L A W  \__________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Death Claw
| HP Range:  4,231 - 22,200
| EXP Gained:  40 (+15)
| AP Gained:  3
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  None
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Aero
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Aero; Dispel
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Aero; Dispel; Reflect
| Location(s):  Galbadia Garden; Centra Plains
| Cards:  Death Claw (Drop; Mod Card); Granaldo (Mod Rare)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  M-Stone; Sharp Spike; Windmill
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Sharp Spike; Shear Feather; Windmill
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Sharp Spike; Shear Feather; Windmill
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Windmill
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Windmill
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Windmill; Missile
/ D I A B L O S  \________________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Diablos
| HP Range:  1,600 - 80,800
| EXP Gained:  None
| AP Gained:  20
| Type:  Flying
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  Wind
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Cure; Demi
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Cura; Demi
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Cruaga; Demi; Holy; Holy
| Location(s):  Use Magic Lamp Item
| Cards:  Diablos (Drop)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  G-Returner
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  G-Returner
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Hero
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  None
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  None
|       Lvl. 30-100:  None
/ D R O M A  \____________________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Droma
| HP Range:  1,010 - 3,128
| EXP Gained:  None
| AP Gained:  None
| Type:  Flying
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  Wind
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Esuna; Dispel
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Esuna; Dispel
|       Lvl. 30 -56:  Esuna; Dispel
| Location(s):  Ultimecia Castle
| Cards:  None
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  None
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  None
|       Lvl. 30 -56:  None
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Meteor Stone
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Meteor Stone
|       Lvl. 30 -56:  Meteor Stone
/ E D E A  (Round 1)  \___________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Edea (1st Round)
| HP Range:  1,300 - 7,000
| EXP Gained:  None
| AP Gained:  20
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  None
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Cura; Dispel; Life; Double
|       Lvl. 20    :  Cura; Dispel; Life; Double
| Location(s):  Deling City
| Cards:  None
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  None
|       Lvl. 20    :  None
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Elixir
|       Lvl. 20    :  Elixir
/ E D E A  (Round 2)  \___________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Edea (2nd Round)
| HP Range:  500 - 16,000
| EXP Gained:  None
| AP Gained:  50
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  None
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Blizzard; Demi; Esuna; Alexander
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Blizzara; Demi; Esuna; Alexander
|       Lvl. 30 -32:  Blizzaga; Demi; Esuna; Alexander
| Location(s):  Galbadia Garden
| Cards:  None
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Force Armlet
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Force Armlet
|       Lvl. 30 -32:  Force Armlet
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Royal Crown
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Royal Crown
|       Lvl. 30 -32:  Royal Crown
/ E L A S T O I D  \______________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Elastoid
| HP Range:  531 - 18,500
| EXP Gained:  80 (+20)
| AP Gained:  3
| Type:  Flying
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  Thunder
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Dispel
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Dispel; Stop
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Dispel; Stop; Meltdown
| Location(s):  Centra Ruins; Lunatic Pandora Laboratory
| Cards:  Elastoid (Drop; Mod Card); Ultimate Weapon (Mod Rare)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  M-Stone
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Magic Stone; Laser Cannon
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Wizard Stone; Laser Cannon
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Dynamo Stone
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Dynamo Stone
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Laser Cannon
/ E L I T E   S O L D I E R  \____________________________________
| Monster Name:  Elite Soldier
| HP Range:  148 - 4,940
| EXP Gained:  30 (+5)
| AP Gained:  2
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  Poison
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Fire; Thunder; Blizzard; Scan
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Fira; Thundara; Blizzara; Scan
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Firaga; Thundaga; Blizzaga; Dispell
| Location(s):  Dollet; Galbadia D-District Prison
| Cards:  None
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Potion; Phoenix Down; Shotgun Ammo; Cottage
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Potion; Phoenix Down; Hi-Potion; Cottage
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Potion; Hi-Potion; Cottage
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Tent; Cottage
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Tent; Cottage
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Cottage
/ E L N O Y L E  \________________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Elnoyle
| HP Range:  30,968 - 159,000
| EXP Gained:  220 (+20)
| AP Gained:  18
| Type:  Flying
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  Wind
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 29:  Pain; Double
|       Lvl. 30 -39:  Pain; Double
|       Lvl. 40-100:  Pain; Double
| Location(s):  Esthar; Ultimecia Castle
| Cards:  Elnoyle (Drop; Mod Card); Catoblepas (Mod Rare)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 29:  Wizard Stone; Moon Stone
|       Lvl. 29 -39:  Wizard Stone; Moon Stone; Energy Crystal
|       Lvl. 40-100:  Energy Crystal
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 29:  Moon Stone
|       Lvl. 30 -39:  Moon Stone
|       Lvl. 40-100:  Moon Stone
/ E L V O R E T  \________________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Elvoret
| HP Range:  1,563 - 3,523
| EXP Gained:  None
| AP Gained:  10
| Type:  Flying
| Strong Against:  Magic (Def.)
| Weak Against:  None
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 11:  Thunder; Cure; Double; Siren
| Location(s):  Dollet (Communications Tower)
| Cards:  None
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 11:  G-Returner
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 11:  None
/ E S T H A R   S O L D I E R  \__________________________________
| Monster Name:  Esthar Soldier
| HP Range:  98 - 4,980
| EXP Gained:  20 (+3)
| AP Gained:  1
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  Poison
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Fire; Thunder; Blizzard; Cure
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Fira; Thundara; Blizzara; Cura
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Firaga; Thundaga; Bilzzaga; Curaga
| Location(s):  Centra Ruins; Lunatic Pandora Laboratory
| Cards:  None
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Potion; Phoenix Down
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Potion; Phoenix Down
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Potion; Hi-Potion; Phoenix Down
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Potion
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Potion
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Hi-Potion
/ E S T H A R   S O L D I E R  (Cyborg)  \________________________
| Monster Name:  Esthar Soldier (Cyborg)
| HP Range:  163 - 7,950
| EXP Gained:  30 (+3)
| AP Gained:  1
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  Thunder
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Fire; Thunder; Blizzard
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Fira; Thundara; Blizzara
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Firaga; Thundaga; Blizzaga
| Location(s):  Centra Ruins; Dr. Odine's Laboratory
| Cards:  None
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Potion; Phoenix Down; Tent; Cottage
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Potion; Phoenix Down; Tent; Cottage
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Potion; Hi-Potion; Tent; Cottage
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Phoenix Down
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Phoenix Down
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Phoenix Down
/ F A K E   P R E S I D E N T  \__________________________________
| Monster Name:  Fake President
| HP Range:  52 - 778
| EXP Gained:  None
| AP Gained:  None
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  None
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 12:  Cure
| Location(s):  Presidential Train
| Cards:  None
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 12:  None
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 12:  None
/ F A S T I T O C A L O N  \______________________________________
| Monster Name:  Fastitocalon
| HP Range:  215 - 9,200
| EXP Gained:  60 (+20)
| AP Gained:  1
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  None
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Blizzard; Sleep; Scan
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Blizzara; Sleep; Scan
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Bilzzaga; Scan; Water
| Location(s):  Great Plains of Galbadia; Galbadia
| Cards:  Fastitocalon (Drop; Mod Card); Tonberry King (Mod Rare)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Fish Fin; Water Crystal
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Fish Fin; Water Crystal
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Fish Fin; Water Crystal
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Water Crystal
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Water Crystal
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Water Crystal
/ F A S T I T O C A L O N - F  \__________________________________
| Monster Name:  Fastitocalon-F
| HP Range:  215 - 9,200
| EXP Gained:  15 (+5)
| AP Gained:  3
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  None
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Blizzard; Sleep; Scan
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Blizzara; Sleep; Scan
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Blizzaga; Scan; Water
| Location(s):  Galbadia
| Cards:  Fastitocalon-F (Drop; Mod Card)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Fish Fin
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Fish Fin; Water Crystal
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Fish Fin; Water Crystal
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Fish Fin
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Fish Fin
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Fish Fin
/ F O R B I D D E N  \____________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Forbidden
| HP Range:  221 - 22,100
| EXP Gained:  85 (+15)
| AP Gained:  4
| Type:  Undead
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  Holy; Fire
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Zombie
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Zombie; Blind; Stop
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Zombie; Blind; Stop; Death
| Location(s):  Tomb of the Unknown King; Esthar
| Cards:  Forbidden (Drop; Mod Card); Red Giant (Mod Rare)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Betrayal Sword; Dead Spirit; Zombie Powder
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Dead Spirit; Zombie Powder; Curse Spike
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Curse Spike; Zombie Powder; Force Amulet
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Dead Spirit
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Dead Spirit
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Dead Spirit
/ F U J I N  (Round 1)  \_________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Fujin (1st Round)
| HP Range:  300 - 8,700
| EXP Gained:  None
| AP Gained:  10
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  Poison
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Aero; Cura; Life; Pandemona
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Aero; Cura; Life; Pandemona
| Location(s):  Balamb Town Square; Balamb Hotel
| Cards:  None
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Megalixir
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Megalixir
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Megalixir; Hero
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Megalixir; Hero
/ F U J I N  (Round 2)  \_________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Fujin (2nd Round)
| HP Range:  5,300 - 18,200
| EXP Gained:  None
| AP Gained:  8
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  Poison
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Aero; Cure; Life
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Aero; Cura; Life
|       Lvl. 30 -44:  Aero; Curaga; Full-Life; Tornado
| Location(s):  Lunatic Pandora
| Cards:  None
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Megalixir
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Megalixir
|       Lvl. 30 -44:  Megalixir
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Megalixir
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Megalixir
|       Lvl. 30 -34:  Megalixir
/ F U N G U A R  \________________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Funguar
| HP Range:  303 - 2,100
| EXP Gained:  20 (+3)
| AP Gained:  1
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  None
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Sleep; Scan
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Sleep; Scan; Silence
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Sleep; Scan; Silence; Confuse
| Location(s):  Timber Forest; Dollet
| Cards:  Funguar (Drop; Mod Card); Biggs, Wedge (Mod Rare)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  M-Stone; Sleep Powder
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Magic Stone; Sleep Powder
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Wizard Stone; Sleep Powder
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Sleep Powder
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Sleep Powder
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Sleep Powder
/ G A L B A D I A N   S O L D I E R  \____________________________
| Monster Name:  Galbadian Soldier
| HP Range:  45 - 3,040
| EXP Gained:  20 (+3)
| AP Gained:  1
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  Poison
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Fire; Thunder; Blizzard; Cure
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Fira; Thundara; Blizzara; Cura
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Firaga; Thundaga; Blizzaga; Curaga
| Location(s):  Dollet; Galbadia Missle Base
| Cards:  None
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Potion; Normal Ammo; Phoenix Down
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Potion; Phoenix Down
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Potion; Phoenix Down
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Potion; Phoenix Down
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Potion; Phoenix Down; Hi-Potion
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Hi-Potion; Phoenix Down
/ G A R G A N T U A  \____________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Gargantua
| HP Range:  10,100 - 15,400
| EXP Gained:  None
| AP Gained:  42
| Type:  None
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  None
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Bio; Quake; Reflect
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Bio; Quake; Reflect
|       Lvl. 30 -54:  Bio; Quake; Reflect
| Location(s):  Ultimecia Castle
| Cards:  None
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Magic Armlet
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Magic Armlet
|       Lvl. 30 -54:  Magic Armlet
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  None
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  None
|       Lvl. 30 -54:  None
/ G A Y L A  \____________________________________________________
| Monster Name:  Gayla
| HP Range:  1,021 - 13,000
| EXP Gained:  30 (+5)
| AP Gained:  2
| Type:  Flying
| Strong Against:  None
| Weak Against:  Wind
| Magic that can be Drawn:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Sleep; Thunder
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Sleep; Thundara
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Sleep; Thundaga; Meltdown
| Location(s):  Trabia Snowfield
| Cards:  Gayla (Drop; Mod Card); Gerogero (Mod Rare)
| Item(s) Gained:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  M-Stone; Mystery Fluid
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Magic Stone; Mystery Fluid
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Wizard Stone; Mystery Fluid
| Item(s) Mugged:
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:  Mystery Fluid
|       Lvl. 20 -29:  Mystery Fluid
|       Lvl. 30-100:  Mystery Fluid

/ G E E Z A R D  thru  X - A T M 0 9 2  \_________________________
|                                                                  \
| Monster Name:                   C O M I N G   S O O N...         |
| HP Range:                                                        |
| EXP Gained:                                                      |
| AP Gained:                                                       |
| Type:                                                            |
| Strong Against:                                                  |
| Weak Against:                                                    |
| Magic that can be Drawn:                                         |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:                                               |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:                                               |
|       Lvl.                                                       |
| Location(s):                                                     |
| Cards:                                                           |
| Item(s) Gained:                                                  |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:                                               |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:                                               |
|       Lvl. 30 -34:                                               |
| Item(s) Mugged:                                                  |
|       Lvl. 1 - 19:                                               |
|       Lvl. 20 -29:                                               |
|       Lvl. 30 -34:                                               |
|                                                                  |

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